Wahlert Catholic High School Counseling Services
Take a look at the services offered below by each member of Wahlert Catholic High School's Counseling Department team. Contact them directly with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Katie Lenart
College & Career Readiness Coordinator

Mrs. Debbie Budde-Bandy
School Counselor

Mrs. Danielle Lensen
Student Assistance Coordinator
Mrs. Lenart has been a counselor at Wahlert Catholic High School since 2008, and a part of Holy Family since 2005. She works with students to create their four year academic plan, navigate career exploration opportunities, help with the college planning process, and manages the DAYLC program. As Wahlert's College & Career Readiness Coordinator, Mrs. Lenart helps students coordinate courses at our local colleges and universities. She helped build Wahlert's internship program and works closely with students to find internship locations. Please reach out to her if you have questions about your child's post-secondary planning.
Mrs. Bandy has been with Wahlert Catholic High School as a counselor since August of 2016. Outside of everyday counseling responsibilities, Debbie is the National Honor Society Advisor, MTSS Coordinator, Student Accommodation Coordinator, Drug and Alcohol Educator and she helps organize the Teacher Appreciation Committee.
Mrs. Lensen has been Wahlert Catholic High School's Student Assistance Coordinator since August of 2018, and coordinates student national and district exams for our student body. These exams include: national and district ACT exams, Advanced Placement (AP) exams, as well as Wahlert's annual PSAT/NMSQT exam. In addition to exam coordination, Mrs. Lensen assists with student transcript requests, graduation events, and National Honor Society.