Golden Eagles Get Involved

As they say, it takes a village. By getting involved through volunteering, you'll meet other Golden Eagles and foster the community spirit that makes our "village" so special.

You are invited to take part in one or more of the many opportunities listed below to support your school(s).

Walkathon Games
Year-round opportunities

School Parent Associations

Our School Parent Associations coordinate activities that support the school by building community, showing appreciation for teachers, and enhancing the learning experience. All parents and guardians are automatic members of the parent association, and there are numerous opportunities to get involved.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Planning community-building events
  • Coordinating teacher appreciation activities, meals and gifts
  • Orchestrating fun activities for the students
  • Assisting with walk-a-thons and school-level fundraisers
  • Managing Parent Association social media groups
  • Serving as a "Room Parent"
  • Helping with car line
  • and much more!


Click on your school to learn more: 
Year-round opportunities

Booster Club & Encore Club

The Booster and Encore Clubs plan and coordinate events and fundraising opportunities to support athletics/activities and performing arts programming at Wahlert Catholic High School and Mazzuchelli Catholic Middle School.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Plan events
  • Serve as a team parent/rep
  • Sell concessions, tickets and spirit apparel


Contact Mary Jo Brant

Year-round opportunity

Eucharistic Adoration

Given the many challenges young people face as they navigate these important years, Holy Family Catholic Schools invites you to support your child(ren) and all students and teachers in a unique and fulfilling way: by praying for them during Eucharistic Adoration.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Sign up to pray in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament for half-hour increments at the Holy Family Central Campus chapel, any Tuesday that school is in session.


Contact Amy Freund or learn more here.

Year-round opportunity

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is an early childhood/elementary program, rooted in the observations of children and paired with Montessori principles, focusing on the essential elements of the Catholic faith. CGS guides children to scripture and liturgy, allowing them to encounter Christ by themselves. The "Atrium," where catechesis is held, represents a space in between the world and the Church, providing a nurturing environment where children can prepare for and learn about the liturgy.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • CGS is led by called adults who can serve as guides in the atrium and watch the Holy Spirit work through our children.


Contact Holy Family Curriculum Director Lisa Krapfl

SC Drop off duty
Year-round opportunities

Holy Family Ambassadors

Holy Family ambassadors are people who genuinely love their school(s) and authentically generate buzz with their peer groups or networks. Ambassadors are advocates and promoters of the Holy Family school(s) they belong to. They build trust and enhance the authenticity of the Holy Family message by amplifying the natural affinity families have for their school(s).

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Social media advocate – share your experiences via social media and amplify the HFCS message.
  • Community outreach – share your experiences and promote the HFCS opportunity with friends and community connections.
  • Welcoming liaison – welcome new families to the system by sending cards, inviting new families to events, answering questions and making introductions.
  • High school students can also get involved as a student ambassador


Contact Rebecca Mueller

Year-round opportunities

Youth Programming

The Youth Programming Department implements recreational, academic, and athletic programs after school and during the summer at all of our elementary schools and our middle school.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Lead or coach an after-school program (Some opportunities are paid)
  • Lead or assist a Summer Camp (Opportunities are paid)
  • Serve as a Holy Family team organizer/liaison for community sports leagues


Contact Owen Funke

Circle_Silent NEW
Year-round planning, spring event 

Circle of Celebration Annual Gala

Circle of Celebration is an annual fundraiser gala hosted by Holy Family each year. It is the system's single largest fundraiser (and party!) of the year, and many hands make light work.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Circle of Celebration planning committee
  • Auction committee
  • Event set-up and tear-down


Contact Christine McAllister or learn more here.

Fall event 

Golden Eagles Homecoming Tailgate

The Golden Eagles Homecoming Tailgate offers fun for everyone – and an incredible representation families, staff, alumni and friends coming together to celebrate the Golden Eagle community! The event offers food, activities, entertainment and a chance to meet up with friends before heading to the big team to cheer on our Golden Eagles!

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Staffing a food or game station
  • Event logistics such as directing lines, emptying garbage, etc.
  • Set-up & tear-down


Contact Christine McAllister or learn more here.

Uniform Recycle Event
Summer event

Uniform Recycle Event

The annual summer Uniform Recycle Event invites families to pick up donated uniform and spirit apparel for the coming school year, free of charge. We have apparel available for all ages!

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Sort apparel donations and set up stations by size and category (bonus – volunteers can pre-shop!)


Contact Krystal Hollander

Year-round opportunities

Volunteer Leadership

The Holy Family Catholic Schools school board and board committees are made up of community leaders who are knowledgeable, passionate and willing to give their time and expertise to support our mission.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Advancement Committee
  • Facilities Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Human Resources Committee
  • Recruitment and Retention Committee
  • Religion & Mission Committee
  • School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)
  • Student Service Committee
  • Leader in Me Lighthouse Team
  • School Board


Contact Krystal Hollander to share your interest and inquire about committee and board openings.