Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy

The 21st century is a time of new and ever-changing technologies. Holy Family Catholic Schools believes that the use of new technologies, electronic resources, and Internet access can enhance student learning and provide a quality educational experience for all students. It is a privilege to be able to offer the use of such technological resources. Holy Family Catholic Schools is aware that despite these benefits, the Internet reflects the values of a global society and can provide access to sites that would be considered inappropriate. The purpose of this policy is to ensure proper use of technologies while enrolled or associated with Holy Family Catholic Schools.


All users are expected to use the technology available at Holy Family Catholic Schools in a manner that is consistent with the teachings and mission of the Catholic Church and the Holy Family system’s academic programs. Users are expected to be responsible and use technology that has been accessed appropriately at home, at school, and in any virtual or hybrid setting. Accessing obscene, pornographic, or threatening material, or engaging other inappropriate uses of technology, including but not limited to email, instant messaging, social networking sites, web pages, and the use of hardware and/or software that disrupts or interferes with the safety and welfare of the school community, is prohibited, even if such uses take place after school hours or off school property (for example home, business, private property, etc.).


Students are expected to:*

1. Respect and protect the privacy of themselves and others. 

  • Use only assigned accounts.
  • Decline to view, use or copy passwords, data, or networks without authorization.
  • Avoid the distribution of their own or others’ private information.

2. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources.

  • Observe all network security practices as posted.
  • Report security risks or violations to a school administrator, teacher, or network administrator.
  • Refrain from destroying or damaging data, networks, or other resources that do not belong to them without clear permission of the owner.
  • Conserve, protect and avoid sharing these resources with other students and Internet users.
  • Abstain from overriding the Internet content filtering system.

3. Respect and protect the intellectual property of others.

  • Refrain from copyright infringement. (Copying music, games, movies, etc., is not allowed).
  • Avoid plagiarism.

4. Respect and practice the principles of the school community.

  • Communicate only in ways that are kind and respectful.
  • Report threatening or discomforting materials to a school administrator, teacher, or network administrator.
  • Refuse to access, transmit, copy, or create material that violates the system’s code of conduct (examples include, but are not limited to, messages that are pornographic, threatening, rude, discriminatory, or intended for harassment).
  • Avoid accessing, transmitting, copying, or creating material that is illegal (examples include, but are not limited to, obscenity, stolen materials or illegal copies of copyrighted works).
  • Abstain from using the resources to further other acts that are criminal or violate the system’s code of conduct.
  • Avoid sending spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings.
  • Refrain from buying, selling, advertising, or otherwise conducting business, unless approved as a school project.
  • Avoid posting or disseminating any harassing, demeaning, threatening, or immoral comment or visual injurious to the reputation of the school, supporting parishes, the Church, or an individual, whether the action occurs on school property or off the grounds.

*Please note that this list of uses and activities that are deemed inappropriate is not all-inclusive.

Consequences for Violation:

Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action according to the disciplinary procedures of the system, including the loss of a student’s privileges to use the system’s information technology resources. Disciplinary consequences of misuse or abuse of these resources will be dependent on the severity of the situation.

Supervision and Monitoring:

School and network administrators and their authorized employees periodically monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that users are secure and in conformity with this policy. Users should have no expectation of privacy with respect to the use of Holy Family Catholic Schools’ technology resources. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the system’s information networks in order to further the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person, or to protect property. The school administration has the right of access to any electronic devices brought onto school property. This information may also be used in disciplinary actions and may also be furnished to law enforcement as evidence of a criminal act, should one be committed.

Agreement Form:

In order to ensure the proper use of technology resources, it is necessary that each user and/or a parent/guardian sign an Acceptable Use Policy User Agreement Form annually. A signed form must be on file with Holy Family Catholic Schools before technology usage will be granted. By signing this form, the user agrees to abide by the rules and policies governing internet use and other technology access as stated in this policy.